JKAOH Journal of Korean Acadomy of Oral Health
pISSN 1225-388X eISSN 2093-7784

Table. 6.

Number of missing teeth among elderly before and after National Health Insurance coverage of dental implants

Period (yr) Sample N Number of missing teeth
MC* 95% CI MA** 95% CI MT 95% CI
Before coverage
2011 1,521 6.3 5.8-6.7 6.0 5.5-6.5 12.2 11.7-12.8
2012 1,347 5.3 5.0-5.7 4.3 3.9-4.7 9.6 9.1-10.1
2013 1,092 4.9 4.5-5.2 4.3 3.9-4.7 9.2 8.7-9.7
2014 1,215 5.1 4.7-5.4 3.9 3.5-4.3 9.0 8.5-9.4
2015 1,187 5.5 5.1-5.9 3.0 2.6-3.3 8.5 8.0-9.0
After coverage
2016-2018 2,981 4.6 4.3-4.8 3.8 3.6-4.0 8.4 8.0-8.7
2019 1,544 6.8 6.5-7.2 3.4 3.1-3.6 10.2 9.7-10.7

*MC: Missing, as a result of caries.

**MA: Missing, as a result of any other reason than caries.

MT: Total number of missing teeth.

Weighted analysis of Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) data.

J Korean Acad Oral Health 2022;46:135~141 https://doi.org/10.11149/jkaoh.2022.46.3.135
© Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health