JKAOH Journal of Korean Acadomy of Oral Health
pISSN 1225-388X eISSN 2093-7784

Table. 1.

General characteristics of the subjects

Variable Frequency Percent
Male 739 43.2
Female 973 56.8
65-69 500 29.2
70-74 502 29.3
≥75 710 41.5
Income quartile
1/4 738 43.1
2/4 499 29.1
3/4 289 16.9
4/4 168 9.8
Education level
Elementary school 704 41.1
Middle school 243 14.2
High school 278 16.2
≥College 149 8.7
Dong 1,221 71.3
Eup·Myeon 461 28.7
Eligibility for basic livelihood support
Yes 174 10.2
No 1,538 89.8
Private insurance coverage status
Yes 891 52.0
No 800 46.7
Subjective oral health status
High 303 19.8
Medium 560 36.6
Low 849 43.6
Total 1,712 100.0

The data were analysed by frequency analysis.

J Korean Acad Oral Health 2023;47:172~177 https://doi.org/10.11149/jkaoh.2023.47.4.172
© Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health