JKAOH Journal of Korean Acadomy of Oral Health
pISSN 1225-388X eISSN 2093-7784

Table. 2.

Differences in the study variables by oral function ADL and IADL (N=454)

Variables Total N (%) ADL IADL
Normal Abnormal P Normal Abnormal P
Difficulty chewing
Disagree 234 (51.5%) 223 (52.8%) 11 (34.4%) 0.081 167 (55.3%) 67 (44.1%) 0.077
Neutral 66 (14.5%) 58 (13.7%) 8 (25.0%) 41 (13.6%) 25 (16.4%)
Agree 154 (33.9%) 141 (33.4%) 13 (40.6%) 94 (31.1%) 60 (39.5%)
Difficulty swallowing
Disagree 384 (84.6%) 360 (85.3%) 24 (75.0%) 0.293 257 (85.1%) 127 (83.6%) 0.171
Neutral 51 (11.2%) 45 (10.7%) 6 (18.8%) 36 (11.9%) 15 (9.9%)
Agree 19 (4.2%) 17 (4.0%) 2 (6.3%) 9 (3.0%) 10 (6.6%)
Dry mouth
Disagree 252 (55.5%) 238 (55.5%) 14 (43.8%) 0.244 166 (55.0%) 86 (55.6%) 0.735
Neutral 93 (20.5%) 83 (20.5%) 10 (31.3%) 65 (21.5%) 28 (18.4%)
Agree 109 (24.0%) 101 (24.0%) 8 (25.0%) 71 (23.5%) 38 (25.0%)
Number of teeth
21-32 227 (50.1%) 114 (27.1%) 15 (46.9%) 0.05 160 (53.2%) 67 (44.1%) 0.01
11-20 97 (21.4%) 93 (22.1%) 4 (12.5%) 69 (22.9%) 28 (18.4%)
0-10 129 (28.5%) 214 (50.8%) 13 (40.6%) 72 (55.80%) 57 (37.5%)
J Korean Acad Oral Health 2024;48:210~215 https://doi.org/10.11149/jkaoh.2024.48.4.210
© Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health