Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health 2018; 42(4): 204-209
Published online December 30, 2018
Copyright © Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health.
Han-Nah Kim1, Gi-Yon Kim2, Hie-Jin Noh3, Nam-Hee Kim3
1Graduate School of Dental Hygiene, Yonsei University, Departments of 2Nursing, 3Dental Hygiene, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Wonju, Korea
Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the demand and willingness to pay for oral hygiene services among elderly people with long-term care insurance.Methods: Our study was a cross-sectional analysis. Subjects comprised 126 elderly individuals from long-term home-care centers. A total of 28 centers were selected through convenience sampling from among 78 centers in ○○. For analysis, semi-structured questionnaires that required about 20-30 minutes to complete were used. Analysis was performed using SPSS 23.0 software.Results: The overall demand for oral hygiene services was 44.4%, and willingness to pay was 31.0%. Thirty-three people (58.9%) of elderly those who have demand for an oral hygiene service were willing to pay for the service, and 64 people (91.4%) who did not have a demand were not willing to pay for it. Among those with partial dependence on brushing, 65.6% had demand for oral hygiene services and 50.0% were willing to pay costs. Among basic livelihood beneficiaries, 69.6% were willing to pay for oral hygiene services; general subjects and relievers were less willing to pay.Conclusions: The overall demand for oral hygiene services among elderly people was 44.4%, and the willingness to pay was as low as 31.0%.
Keywords: Dental hygienists, Elderly, Home-care service, Long-term care insurance, Oral hygiene
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